Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mega Token Challenge Unavailable


We have received reports that the Mega Token Challenge Quests disappeared in the game.

Our team is aware of the issue and is currently working on developing a fix. We are doing our best to have this matter resolved the soonest time possible. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have brought and we appreciate your understanding and patience.

Thank you!
Ninja Kingdom Player Support

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sushi Shrine Challenge - Ninja Kingdom

Hello Ninjas! Sushi Shrine Challenge is now out. Complete the 4 quests to earn up to 32,000 Tokens and acquire the best items on the Reward Shop. We'd like to add that players that lower their Trophies too much will experience Rune penalty. At the end of multiplayer battle, hover your mouse pointer on the "i" icon. A Trophy value will show and you need to earn that amount to prevent the penalty. Here are the other factors that can give Rune penalty/deduction:

1) Attacking lower level of Palace.
2) Not destroying the Event Statue.
3) Losing a battle and dealing 24% or lower of damage.

Best of luck on your battles, Ninjas!